Wild Browser: Browse the web while you save animals

Wild Browser Browse the web while you save animals

Have you interacted with the browser yet? What is your experience? As we continue to become conscious of our activities and their effects on our planet. We continue to witness innovation and ideas, destined towards reducing our negative impacts. Our carbon footprints need curbing, and this needs us to go for eco-friendly options or at … Read more

Is Wildlife a Natural Resource?

Is Wildlife a Natural Resource

What are your thoughts on, should wildlife be classified as a natural resource? What is a natural resource? These are resources that exist without any actions of humankind. They can either be biotic or abiotic, depending on their origin. The biotic ones include forests, wildlife, and fossil fuels. While abiotic include land, air, earth elements, … Read more

Happy World Youth Day

Happy World Youth Day

Theme : Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health As we celebrate our day, may it serves as a reminder that you are yet to unleash all your awesomeness. Loses are equally important as wins, don’t beat yourself up. You are destined to greatness, let’s prove them wrong. And create a world … Read more

Your Life is Important than an Upclose photo

Your Life is Important than an Up-close photo

Always remember that your life is important than an up-close photo. Especially now that most are more concerned about taking photos or recording before they can correctly respond to something. That includes an accident, natural disasters, wildlife, celebrities, among others. It’s funny and sad what we can do for a photo It’s funny how instead … Read more

Happy International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

Happy International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

It’s International Day of the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, and we continue to advocate for mangrove conservation. They continue to reduce in coverage, and this is a big problem roaming. I was lucky again to join one of my favorite organizations, Blue Earth Organization, in a mangrove planting on the 24th of July 2021. … Read more

Are You Safe?

Are You Safe?

Are you safe? Do you feel safe? Should you even be worried about safety? We have been told that life is a series of calculated risks. Where we have risks, then safety may vary. Developments, technology, and power help some enjoy more safety than the rest.  The killing of Activists, Environmentalists, Humanitarian, Conservationists, among others … Read more

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact towards Climate Change

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact towards Climate Change

The Two Worlds we created, and their Impact on Climate Change. The worlds am talking about, are the cities and rural areas. They are very different worlds that have occupants who interact completely differently towards our planet. Each of their population has adapted to different ways of living due to the resources available to them. … Read more



Just like other parts of the world, African youths are doing their best to save our planet through various means. From creating awareness, being creative around plastic waste management, pushing for eco-friendly laws, offering education, among other awesome stuff. Here are a few of them  that I was able to learn about from the Liberian … Read more