Are we having any Islands Sinking due to Climate Change?

Are we having any Islands Sinking due to Climate Change?

Are we having any Islands Sinking due to Climate Change? Are we having any Islands Sinking due to Climate Change? Some agree while others disagree. In fact, those who disagree. argue that the said sinking islands are gaining size. Hence becoming bigger. There’s also a conflict on whether it’s human-induced or natural climate change, responsible … Read more

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds Birds are animals that need no passport for their travels around the world. They just need enough strength and natural sources of direction/light to get to their destinations. Birds They belong to the kingdom, Animalia. Incuding all living organims that are not plants. They come … Read more

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought?

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought?

What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought? What Happens To the Wildlife and other Species when Hit By Drought? Does it cross our mind when helping humans struck by drought? Do we include them in plans made to help out those being affected by this dangerous calamity? Climate change and … Read more

Where do we stand as a planet?

Where do we stand as a planet?

Where do we stand as a planet? In terms of natural resources and health of our atmosphere. Do you have any idea? Or have any clue? Unfortunately some people don’t believe in science or their research. Hence ignoring all the reports given regarding anything. Am not sure what they use to understand the changes we … Read more