But Why?…

But Why?...

But Why?… “Why do some people as soon as animals are declared ‘recovered’ and no longer at risk of extinction want to start killing them? And why do government agencies responsible for ‘managing’ the animals allow this?” – Anna Murphy  

Understanding Environmental Racism (Re-Post)

Understanding Environmental Racism

Understanding Environmental Racism (Re-Post) Understanding Environmental Racism. It’s something that was noted many years ago. As mankind embraced civilization and urbanization. Environmental Racism It refers to any environment injustice happening or directed to the minority groups. That is, whether practiced or applied in policies. How can you identify an environmental racism act? When you notice … Read more

I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans (Nairobi National Park)

I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans (Nairobi National Park)

I Love the Awakening Love for Wildlife by Kenyans. It’s refreshing, promising, and encouraging. Finally, we as conservationists can appreciate the strong support from the public. Its no longer conservationists’ role to fight for wildlife and the environment. The “Confusing” photo of construction inside Nairobi National park So we work up a photo that suggested … Read more

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya?

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya?

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya? What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya? Almost every single day we wake up to a forest being eyed for developments, especially infrastructures. This is especially for small towns growing into small cities. This attracts human populations, and the land ends up being considered for development … Read more

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough

When Enough is Enough When Enough is Enough, people/nature/developments/almost everything has to make a crucial decision that will work towards their desired need or what they want to be changed. It’s a point where the action is the only thing making sense and happening. No more chances or patience, but acting on the issue alone … Read more

We Are Sorry

We Are Sorry

We Are Sorry We are sorry for not actioning on climate change as fast as needed, For still championing more developments without considering environmental impactfully, For putting profits before your health, land, and everything, You are feeling the effects of climate change. Yet contribute almost nothing towards your predicament. Yes, we are sorry for turning … Read more

2020’s June Feels like July

2020's June Feels like July

2020’s June Feels like July 2020’s June Feels like July, does the same applies to where you are? The rains and cold weather have been gracing Nairobi. Just when the curfew was pushed back a few hours. With the history of how Nairobians fear the rain, guys rush home as soon as the first drop … Read more

Walking in the Woods Helps lighten the load in Our Brains

Walking in the Woods Helps lighten the load in Our Brains

Walking in the Woods Helps lighten the load in Our Brains Walking in the Woods Helps lighten the load in Our Brains. With everything going sideways each waking day, our brains need to chill a little. But this will not happen with everything happening around us, and everything is concentrated around that. The media including … Read more

Is Our Planet Broken?

Is Our Planet Broken?

Is Our Planet Broken? Is our Planet broken, or are we losing our minds? In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have witnessed all kinds of unrest around the world, including: A pregnant elephant killed by humans through food. Some police killing civilians. Protests/demonstrations/online strikes, in short, cries for help Unemployment Natural disasters … Read more