A Unique and Fun World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

A Unique and Fun World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

How did you celebrate World Migratory Bird Day? How many bird species did you manage to spot? What are some of the unique and fun activities did you engage in? Did you notice any patterns or odd stuff from the birds you interacted with? Birdwatching Birdwatching is one of the fun activities while interacting with … Read more



Emu is the second-largest living bird by height, closely behind their relative Ostrich. They are endemic to Australia. Meaning, they are native and restricted to Australia. Just like an ostrich, Emu is unable to fly but has incredible speed. They weigh more than 45 kilograms and stand up to 1.5 meters high. They are covered … Read more

Flamingoes in a Sewage Plant and the traveling lake

Flamingos in a Sewage Plant and the traveling lake

As I took a walk to see how far the lake had managed to swallow the dry land, I was lucky to meet a ting flamboyance of flamingoes in a sewage plant. They were so unbothered by our presence, allowing us sufficient time to take photos as well enjoy the beautiful view. Some of the … Read more

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya?

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya?

What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya? What is Happening to Wildlife Spaces in Kenya? Almost every single day we wake up to a forest being eyed for developments, especially infrastructures. This is especially for small towns growing into small cities. This attracts human populations, and the land ends up being considered for development … Read more

Fall in Love With Wildlife and Help Kill Illegal Wildlife Trade

Fall in Love With Wildlife and Help Kill Illegal Wildlife Trade

Fall in Love With Wildlife and Help Kill Illegal Wildlife Trade Fall in Love With Wildlife and Help Kill Illegal Wildlife Trade. After all, Love conquers everything. Makes you do crazy stuff, the impossible and fight anything/anyone intending any harm to who.what you love. Personally, I can literally poke your eyes if you did something … Read more

Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill is being targeted for its Ivory

Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill is being tagged for its Ivory

Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill is being targeted for its Ivory Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill is being targeted for its Ivory. Whereby its ivory is found on its huge beautiful beak that makes 10% of its body weight. It’s a very large bird with a wrinkled throat patch. Where do we find Helmeted Hornbill ? They … Read more



Hummingbirds Hummingbirds are among the smallest migrating birds on our planet . A bird whose brains make up 4.2% of its body weight. Hummingbirds Their name was derived from the humming sound generated by the tiny wings when they fly. They are native to America’s and one of the smallest birds alive. They are about … Read more

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds

Animals that need no passport for their travels : Birds Birds are animals that need no passport for their travels around the world. They just need enough strength and natural sources of direction/light to get to their destinations. Birds They belong to the kingdom, Animalia. Incuding all living organims that are not plants. They come … Read more

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post

Top 5 Tips for a Beginner Bird Watcher / Guest Post Bird watching is a scientific sport and a popular hobby of observing birds. And whoever does this can be referred to as a bird watcher. This hobby brings you closer to nature. There is a heart filled joy that you will experience when you … Read more